Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Testing the Waters

I haven't blogged, or journaled, since high school, or maybe even early college.  The last time I actively kept a journal was the summer I spent in Europe.  That was 8 years ago.

So, this is perhaps just a little bit new to me.  And kind of awesome.  I can talk about absolutely anything I want, for as long as I want, like puppies! or my constant irritation over how Jennifer Aniston's pre-nup, or lack of pre-nup is not newsworthy, ever, in my mind.  And it's pretty much a win-win situation because you don't HAVE to read it.  You certainly can.  Whether it actually entertains you, makes you think, or just provides sufficient distraction from the things you're actually supposed to be doing at work. 

There will probably be much talk in the future about the various journeys-in-progress that I have going at this time.  The two biggest parts of my life recently are my weight loss journey, which has so far taken over 10 months, and may take much longer in the end, and my recent quest to get re-motivated, get back to theatre and doing what I love, which is costume design and production, and if all goes well, getting into grad school to continue education and receive the M.F.A. in design. 

And there is sure to be all types of other jibber-jabber over the coming months.  A bit of laughing, a little complaining, some pep-talking, and probably even a few tears. 

Stay tuned and I will try not to disappoint!